A Message From JYMI

As we are now nearing the Winter Solstice (12/21), I am reminded that we are all too soon going to bo leaving the Your of the ham Dog. I question myself as to whether I used this time to bo forthright and trustworthy. Hou idealistic did I allow myself to become? Was I gentle with those who needed to hear sone word of encouragement?

At this year's Vinter Solstice, ve will be entering the final year in the sixty-year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac, (I Ching or Taoist Astrology) I have just one noze year to accomplish my old goals and ambitions before total change comes and I will have to establish the now. At the change of the sexagenary cycle there are always vast changes in the trends of life. I only have one more year to prepare. Am I up to the challenge?

I also take this time to contemplate the upcoming Chinese New Year (2/13/83). As we enter the year of the Qui Boar, will I be sensible? wil I be loving and giving; sincere with a trusting and good nature? Or will I allow myself to be insecure, willful or defenseless? Will I choose to rise beyond where I belong in the scheme of things or allow myself to stagnate through lack of purpose? Only time will answer these questions.

But as I pause just now, thinking of all this, I wanted to take time cut just before the Holidays hit us to make a feu remarks. We have the choice to do with our lives as ve see fit. The choices of life are before us. Will we control our Destiny or will we allow it to rule us? Will we use this time to rectify the past and prepare for the future?

As we begin our celebrations this year, it is my hope that we will all enjoy this special tine and share it with those who need it most. Let us not forget the guy who may hope to be invited to share in the joy of life....who would otherwise be alone ....waiting for just a single invitation to join in.

Let us all join in and share; enjoy ourselves and change our little world for the better.

May your Holidays be filled with Joy and Gladness as we put a now perspective on life; and have a prosperous New Year. I do wish you good things....and let us know how it goes with you.




Well another holiday season is upon us and I still haven't recovered fron the last one. I think we should get all the Bar Managers & Bartenders together and exercise some caution in dispensing "Holiday Cheer" so we all make it to the New Year safe & happy. Olga loft us for the sun & warm weather of Puerto Rica and word has it that she met a.....MAN there. She' 11 be missed at Pac-Man machines all around town.

Allan, bartender at Ginzzy's, in really developing a fan club. Many women around town are singing his praises.

Little Mary had a birthday and was surprised by a Singing Birthday Cake. Mary did you ever get that peice you asked for?

8.. is finally out of the hospital. Welcome back! You were really missed.

Isis' membership cards are out. I've got mine. How about you?

Jaimie left toun, and she will be missed very much.

By the way, why is that UOMAN always harrassing the bartenders at Chaps. It takes a few like this Thing and it makes it bad for all wonen. I for one would gladly escort her OUT!!!!

Well it's off to the Parties and Fun. Have a Merry Christmas & a Monderful New Year. I'll be watching for you so look out or you'll get caught, too.

See ya'all in January.

As always, Butch